Who does not want their hair to be long, black, and thick, but increasing pollution is directly affecting people's hair. Because of this, every other person is troubled by hair loss. Hair loss can be due to many reasons. In such a situation, people go to the salon and get hair treatment done by spending thousands of rupees. Apart from this, many people use hair care products available in the market, but it is often seen that the products available in the market harm the hair. In such a situation, people get very upset.

Looking at this problem people, today we are going to tell you one such reason for hair fall, keeping in mind that you can stop hair fall. Actually, due to wrong combing, people's hair falls a lot. Because of this, in today's article, we are going to tell you the right way to comb your hair.

Neat comb
If you want to prevent hair fall, the first step is to keep your comb clean. For this, you should wash the teeth of the comb with soap and water from time to time.

Pay attention to the type of comb
Different types of combs are available in the market for different types of hair. In this case, always use a tooth comb with smooth and round ends to untangle wet hair.

Brush hair lightly
Often people comb their hair in haste. In this case, hair falls a lot. Patience is necessary to avoid hair breakage. Use the lightest of hands to untangle the hair. Only after this use the comb.

Avoid combing wet hair
Try not to comb wet hair even if you are in a hurry. Let the hair dry naturally first, only then comb it.

Start from scratch
When combing hair, start from the ends. Slowly move towards the roots. By doing this, there will be no direct pressure on the roots of the hair.

(PC: Freepik)