The summer season has started. In such a situation, many people have also started consuming water kept in the fridge to drive away the heat and to cool down the body. Everyone likes cold water from the fridge in summer, but even today some people prefer to use indigenous fridges i.e. pots. Using a pot for cold water is better than a fridge. The cold water of the refrigerator causes many problems, but the cold water of the pot drives away many problems. In Ayurveda, pitcher water has been described as nectar, which is full of medicinal elements and brings many benefits to health. Today in this episode, we are going to tell you what are the benefits of pot water as compared to a fridge. Let's know about it...

Save from heat
Sunstroke is a common problem that plagues most women during the scorching summer months. Pot water helps to save from heat stroke in hot summer. By keeping water in earthen pots, the vitamins and minerals of the water maintain the glucose level of the body. Due to this, the body gets coolness.

Keep the digestive system healthy
Pot water is also beneficial for the stomach. Water kept in an earthen vessel is naturally alkaline, which helps in maintaining the pH balance. Drinking pot water daily removes digestive problems like gas, constipation, and acidity in the stomach.

Boost immune system
Drinking pitcher water regularly boosts a person's immune system. By keeping water in a plastic bottle, impurities get collected in it and the water becomes impure. On the other hand, drinking water stored in a pitcher increases the level of testosterone in the body. The water stored in the pot contains more minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, etc.

Beneficial in reducing weight
Many reports suggest that the chemical present in plastic bottled water imbalance the hormones in the body, which can lead to fat gain. But pot water accelerates metabolism. Due to this fat burns faster and helps you in weight loss.

Helps in metabolism
As plastic bottles contain toxic chemicals like BPA which disrupt hormones and lead to weight gain and metabolic diseases. The water stored in matka does not contain any toxic chemicals hence it is the most economical and eco-friendly alternative to plastic bottles.

Good for throat
Drinking fridge water can cause problems like sore throat and cough. Whereas, because the pot water is not very cold, it does not cause any harm to the throat. For people suffering from colds, coughs, and asthma, drinking coca water also helps in controlling blood pressure. You will be surprised to know that drinking pot water reduces the amount of bad cholesterol in the body, which also reduces the chances of a heart attack.

Relieve pain
By drinking pot water, the complaint of pain in the body goes away. Anti-inflammatory properties are found in clay, which helps reduce the problem of pain, cramps, and swelling. Drinking pot water is also beneficial for arthritis.

Get rid of skin diseases
People who have skin-related diseases should drink pot water only. With this, many skin-related problems can be removed. Drinking pitcher water also provides relief from boils, pimples, and acne and improves skin.