Weight Loss Tips: We usually think that losing weight is a big challenge, and for this we have to sacrifice our favorite foods. But what if I tell you that natural and seasonal foods around us can help in weight loss? Yes, it is true. Here we will discuss foods according to seasons which can be helpful in weight loss.

1. summer season

Watermelon: This fruit is filled with 92% water, which keeps you hydrated and reduces your cravings. It contains an amino acid called lysine which helps in burning fat slowly.

Cucumber: This fruit is also rich in water and has good amount of fiber, which makes you feel full for a long time.

2. Rainy season

Maize: Maize contains good amount of fiber and protein, which helps in weight loss. It reduces your desire to eat and keeps you satisfied for a long time.

Corn: It contains vitamin B, fiber and antioxidants, which boost metabolism and help in weight loss.

3. Autumn

Carrots : Carrots contain good amount of fiber, which makes you feel full. Apart from this, it also helps in keeping your blood sugar stable.

Beetroot : Beetroot contains nitrates and fibre, which help in weight loss. Nitrate increases the body's energy rate, while fiber keeps you feeling full for longer.

4. Winter

Radish: Radish contains a good amount of fiber, which keeps your stomach full. It contains vitamin C and antioxidants, which promote metabolism.

Cabbage : Cabbage contains CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) which reduces fat and helps in weight loss.

If we make a habit of eating foods according to the seasons, it can make our weight loss efforts more effortless and effective. Besides, it also provides us freshness and health. So, next time you are planning your diet, do not forget to include foods according to your season.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Before adopting it, please take medical advice. Kalamtimes does not confirm this.)

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