Sinus Treatment Home Tips: Summer season is going on. In such a situation, the problem of sinuses bothers most people in this season. Yes, many symptoms are visible when there is a sinus. Such as runny nose, facial pain, and fever. This problem occurs after people have a cold. This is because these days people spend most of their time in front of the AC and eat cold food to save themselves from the heat. In such a situation, the problem of sinus can bother you. Come, we will tell you here what kind of symptoms you can see when you have a sinus complaint and how this problem can bother you.

Follow these methods in case of a sinus problem-

Take steam on the face-

The easiest way to get rid of the sinus is to take steam on the face. Let us tell you that taking steam is considered to be the easiest way to get relief from the sinus. This is because taking steam in the sinuses moisturizes and you feel relaxed. Taking steam is a very easy way. To take steam, keep water boiling on the gas and when the water comes to a boil, take it out in a utensil, now try to take the water coming out of it. Along with this, take a towel, now keep it on the head, by doing this the steam will directly hit your face. But while doing this, you should be very careful so that the water does not fall. By doing this you will get relief from sinus problems.

Drink hot soup

Soup is beneficial in many of your diseases. On the other hand, hot soup contains antioxidants that help in reducing sinus problems. At the same time, you can also use herb tea like soup. In this also you will get relief from sinus problem.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)