Migraine is a common condition due to which the sufferer suffers from severe headaches along with nausea from time to time. People in the whole world, including India, rarely go to the doctor for headaches because they feel that they will get cured on their own. However, the biggest obstacle to this problem is to ignore it. People start making the mistake of considering migraine as normal headaches, which later emerges as a big problem. According to a report in Indian Express, if people do not get the right treatment at the right time, then it can emerge as a chronic migraine. Medicines can help up to an extent in the treatment of migraine, but yoga experts suggest yoga to get relief from the root cause of migraine and their permanent cure. In such a situation, Yoga therapist Sarvesh Shashi of Sarva Yoga said that these five simple asanas can be practised to control and reduce the intensity of migraine attacks.

Shashankasana (Hare pose)
*Sit in Vajrasana by resting the palms on the thighs. Keep the eyes closed and leave the whole body loose.
While inhaling, raise the hands above the head. Elbows should be straight.
*Exhale and slowly move the torso in the forward direction. Lean not from the spine but from the pelvic area.
*Keep the arms slightly bent and rest the hands, forehead and elbows on the mat. The hands should be in front of the knees.
*Stay in this position as long as you can comfortably.
*To return to the starting position, exhale and slowly raise the forehead and arms to a vertical position.
* Lower the arms by resting the palms on the thighs.
*Relax and take deep breaths.

Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)
*Sit down by spreading your legs straight in front of you.
*While breathing in, slowly raise both hands straight above the head and stretch them upwards.
* While exhaling, start coming forward keeping the spine straight.
* Place your hands on your feet, as far as they will reach, and if possible, take hold of your toes and pull them to help you move forward.

*Stay in this position as long as possible.
Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose)
*Kneel on the floor.
Lean forward keeping the hands on the floor just below the shoulders.
*Press the hands on the ground. Bend the toes, exhale and slowly lift the hips while taking the knees away from the floor.
*Straighten both the elbows and knees, and touch the heels to the floor.
*To come back raise the head, bend the knees and slowly sit on the floor/mat.

Janu Sirsasana (Head to Knee Pose)
*Sit straight by spreading the legs in front of the body.
*Bend the left knee and place the sole of the left foot on the inner side of the thigh of the right leg. Keep the left knee on the floor.
* Inhale and slowly tilt the torso in the forward direction and move your hands towards the right leg.
* Try to touch your right foot with your hands otherwise keep it as far as you can comfortably.
*Move your head towards your right leg, if possible touch your knee with your forehead and remain in this position.

Cow-Cat Pose
*Stand up with hands and feet

For cat pose
* Round your spine towards the ceiling.
*Lower your head and your tailbone.
*Pull your lower abdomen inward.

For cow pose
* Point your toes down.
*Tilt your pelvic area.
*Turn your stomach down and look at the ceiling.