You must have heard the saying that the greyness of hair reflects a person's experience. However, in today's time, hair has started turning grey from an early age. Women are more worried about their black hair. Whether hair is long or short, who does not like beautiful black and thick hair?

Grey hair also reduces your confidence. Due to changes in lifestyle and lack of vitamins in the body, greying of hair increases. Apart from this, the problem of hair fall, thinning and dryness of hair also occurs due to these things.

At the same time, most of the women use styling tools more. Due to the repeated colouring of hair with chemical products, black hair starts turning white. Many women also try home remedies for damaged hair. In such a situation, mehendi can be a good option. But not just henna, by mixing two magical ingredients with it and applying it to your hair, your hair will become black and your health will be good. Hair will start looking beautiful, soft and thick and that too in just a few days.

The two ingredients we recommend mixing with henna are onion peel powder and fenugreek seeds. Both of these have properties which are beneficial for skin and hair health. Let us know its benefits along with the correct way of using it in this article.

Make henna mehndi and onion peel powder like this-

Ingredients required-

  • 4 tbsp henna mehndi
  • 1 cup onion peels
  • 2 tbsp fenugreek seeds
  • 2 tbsp aloe vera gel
  • Tea leaf water or coffee as per requirement

Method of making-

  • First of all, heat a pan by placing it on a medium flame. Add onion peels to it and reduce the flame.
  • Dry roast the onion peels. Stir them with a ladle until they turn black. When the peels start burning, turn off the flame.
  • Cool these peels put them in a mixer and grind them to make a fine black powder. Transfer this powder to a bowl.
  • Now grind fenugreek seeds in the same manner and filter it once. If you want, you can also make a paste by adding tea leaf water or coffee to it.
  • Add henna, fenugreek seeds, aloe vera gel and tea leaf water or coffee in a bowl with onion powder and mix well.
  • Cover it and leave it overnight. Mix the mixture again the next morning and your hair mask is ready.

Method of applying henna and miraculous powder-

  • Sort your hair thoroughly and separate it from the middle.
  • Now wearing gloves, apply this mixture properly to your hair. Keep in mind that it should be applied from your scalp to your hair ends.
  • Apply this wear a shower cap and leave it on your head for about 45 to 60 minutes.
  • After 60 minutes wash your head with cold water. Keep in mind that do not apply shampoo first, this will reduce the effect of the mask.
  • The next day, hair can be applied with oil and then washed with shampoo.

Benefits of applying henna, fenugreek seeds and onion peels on hair-

Mehndi acts as a natural conditioner. It deeply nourishes and nourishes your hair. Not only this, applying henna helps in sealing moisture in your hair cuticle and adds shine to your dry hair. It also gives a natural colour to the hair and is not harmful like chemical dye.

Fenugreek seeds are very beneficial for hair. This improves the blood circulation of the scalp and also helps in reducing the problems of dandruff, itching and burning sensation. Not only this, fenugreek seeds are also a very good option for hair growth. Fenugreek is a magical ingredient for hair fall and thinning problems.

Onion peels help in removing any kind of infection in the head. Its properties help in blackening the hair. It is a good source of sulfur and sulfur also helps in strengthening hair and promoting hair growth, hence it can play an important role in reversing grey hair.

Instead of blackening your hair with chemical dye, try this recipe and share your experiences with us. One thing to keep in mind is that henna is known to dry out some hair types, so do a patch test first.

Image Credit: Freepik