Blood Sugar: If diabetes is to be controlled, consumption of some leaves can prove to be beneficial. The anti-diabetic properties present in these prevent blood sugar from rising. Let us know how to control sugar.

Leaves For Diabetes Control: Controlling diabetes is not easy. Once diabetes occurs, it is difficult to remain healthy without diet and medicines. Eating plays the most important role in increasing sugar. Blood sugar increases rapidly by eating more sweet and high-carbohydrate foods. If diabetes is to be controlled then home remedies can prove to be effective. The problem of diabetes can be overcome by consuming some leaves rich in medicinal properties.

Neem leaves

Neem leaves have anti-diabetic properties. Diabetes remains under control through their consumption. Boil neem leaves and drink its water. Blood sugar will remain under control.

Basil leaves

Consuming water from basil leaves on an empty stomach in the morning is very beneficial for diabetes. This keeps the blood sugar level under control. The medicinal properties present in basil extract work to control the glucose level.

Moringa leaves

Moringa leaves are very beneficial in diabetes. Its vegetable is made and eaten. Drinking water from Moringa leaves increases the production of insulin. Insulin works to control sugar.

Fenugreek leaves

Anti-diabetic properties are found in fenugreek leaves. Sugar level remains under control by drinking the water of these leaves. Diabetes can be prevented from growing by consuming fenugreek leaves.

Hibiscus leaves

The medicinal properties present in Gudmar leaves help in controlling the sugar level. By consuming hibiscus leaves, blood sugar will be controlled in no time.

Curry leaves

Curry leaves enhance the taste of food. The properties present in curry leaves help in controlling diabetes. Drinking water from these leaves can control high sugar. Drinking curry leaves water on an empty stomach is beneficial for diabetes.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)