Health Desk. Normally everyone snores. But in some people, this problem is so much that the other person gets fed up with sleeping with him. Sometimes snoring also becomes the reason for distance from the partner. The question is why does snoring happen? When you breathe in the tongue, mouth, throat or nose, there is a vibration. When you sleep, these parts of your body rest. They narrow, causing you to snore.

On TikTok, NHS surgeon Dr Karan Raj explains some mouth exercises to stop snoring. Doing this can help you sleep in a bed without snoring. He recommends that you try 5 anti-snoring exercises, which will strengthen and tone the muscles in your tongue and throat.

1. Stick out your tongue and hold it for five seconds – you repeat this exercise three to four times. If you want a little more resistance, you can push your tongue with a spoon.

2. Move your tongue left and right- The surgeon told you that you should try to move your tongue left and right in your mouth while pushing it against your cheeks.

3. Put your fingers on your cheeks and push with your tongue- He said to put your fingers on the outside of your cheeks. Then press your cheeks with the tongue. You should feel a slight tension on the opposite side of the cheek you're pushing against, Dr Karan explains. This exercise should be done three to four times on both cheeks.

4. Press your tongue to the front teeth and try to swallow - Press the tongue to the front teeth and try to swallow it. This will stretch the muscles of the throat. This exercise should also be repeated three to four times.

5. Drop your tongue down and hold for five seconds - Dr Karan said that if you do this last exercise in front of a mirror, you should be able to see your uvula (the dreaded thing at the back of your throat) upwards. This exercise will strengthen the muscles at the back of the throat.

Apart from this, some things should be changed to stop snoring.
reduce weight.
Quit smoking.
Don't drink a lot of alcohol.
Sleep on your back.