Many things are included in Indian food, one of which is ginger which is considered one of the healthiest spices on earth. Ginger, which enhances the taste of tea, has many health-related properties within itself. Ginger can be taken in the form of fresh, dry, powder, oil, or juice. In Ayurveda, ginger is considered as a superfood which is full of many medicinal properties. Loaded with nutrients and bioactive compounds, ginger proves to be extremely beneficial. In addition to enhancing the flavor of food and tea, ginger is used in various forms of alternative medicine. It helps in maintaining good digestion, reducing nausea, and fighting cold and flu.

Ginger benefits you in more ways than you can even imagine. It is anti-inflammatory, anti-cancerous, and anti-aging. It can provide relief from nausea, and morning sickness and calms the acidity of the stomach. Ginger controls free radicals and reduces oxidative stress, keeping your skin healthy. It improves heart health and reduces blood pressure.

What is Ginger?
The rhizome growing inside the soil is called ginger in wet conditions, while dry ginger is called dry ginger. The mention of ginger is found in ancient texts. For many years, ginger has been used in medicinal powder, decoction, gutka (pill) valet, etc.

Properties of ginger
Ginger's unique aroma and flavor come from its natural oils, the most essential of which is gingerol. Gingerol is the main bioactive compound in ginger. This is responsible for the medicinal properties of ginger. Gingerol has powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. These can help reduce oxidative stress, which is caused by excess free radicals in the body. With the help of ginger, one can get relief from many health problems. So let's take a look at those problems that can be treated with ginger -

Skin glows
Ginger has anti-oxidant, anti-septic, and blood circulation-enhancing properties, with the help of which it improves skin health. Anti-oxidants protect the skin from UV rays and slow the breakdown of collagen, making the skin look younger.

Anti-septic properties reduce acne and due to the anti-inflammatory properties present in ginger, you can reduce the blemishes caused by acne.

Prevention of heart diseases
Apart from its other properties, ginger also works to thin the blood, which is beneficial in preventing heart-related problems. Blood thinning medicines reduce the risk of blood clots, thereby reducing the risk of heart attack or stroke.

Cholesterol buildup can clog arteries and increase the risk of heart problems. But, ginger prevents heart diseases by reducing blood pressure and cholesterol. Apart from this, ginger also improves circulation and reduces blood sugar, which helps the heart to do its job.

Improve brain function
Any chronic inflammation can affect your brain over time. This may result in mental illness or Alzheimer's. Ginger reduces brain inflammation and being a powerful antioxidant, protects the brain from free radicals. Ginger also helps in fighting mental illnesses like depression and anxiety.

Consuming ginger is harmful in these circumstances
We have learned that ginger has many health benefits. But it is also worth knowing that ginger also causes physical harm. The decoction prepared from ginger also provides relief from many physical problems. But do you know that excessive consumption of ginger can prove harmful for some people? Although ginger has a hot nature, it should be consumed more in winter and in limited quantities in summer. The antioxidants present in it help in protecting from many diseases. It also keeps digestion healthy and proper. However, consumption of ginger can also cause harm in some health-related problems. Know which people should avoid consuming ginger under which physical conditions.

Ginger consumption is not good during pregnancy
Pregnant women should not consume ginger. Due to this, the baby in the womb may be born prematurely. This can be dangerous for the baby's health or may even result in his death. In the last trimester, it is better to consume ginger in very small quantities or not at all. If you have the problem of vomiting or morning sickness, you can consume 1-2 pieces of it.