Periods are very difficult for women. During this, it is common to have abdominal pain, back pain, leg pain, and mood swings. During this, women are also very irritable. Women also feel very tired at this time. Sometimes menstrual mood swings can be very difficult to manage.

In such situations, there are some suggestions. You can manage your mood swings by following them. Let's know what are those tips.


It is very common to feel tired during menstruation. Meanwhile, due to the lack of serotonin in the brain, we become very irritable. It is necessary to have complete sleep during menstruation. At least 8 hours of sleep is very important. It will help you to overcome your fatigue and irritability.

PC: HealthShots


Before your period, your progesterone levels are high. This disturbs your hormonal balance. It also increases your stress. In such a situation, you can do meditation or yoga. This will help you reduce stress in a natural way.

Caffeine and sugar

There are some things that can harm your health. It also contains sugar and caffeine. Avoid caffeine and sugar during menstruation. They harm your health. In such a situation, you can drink a lot of water. Apart from this, you can drink herbal tea. You can eat raisins or fruits for natural sugar.

PC: Splenda

Nutrient deficiencies

Deficiency of nutrients like vitamin D, calcium, and magnesium in the body also disturbs the hormonal balance. This can cause problems during this time. Therefore, do not let the deficiency of these nutrients in the body.