Getting good sleep is very important to stay healthy. If you sleep without work, you face many health problems. The risk of many other diseases including diabetes, and heart disease increases. This is the reason why doctors also recommend taking at least 8 hours of sleep. But even if you sleep more than this, problems may increase for you. Due to oversleeping, the risk of chronic diseases increases manifold. Know about the harm caused by oversleeping.

Disadvantages of oversleeping

  • If you also keep sleeping for too long then the risk of diabetes increases manifold. Sleeping too long increases the risk of increasing sugar levels. Your body's ability to process sugar is affected.
  • Sleeping too much can lead to excessive weight gain. When you do not do any physical activity for a long time, your metabolism slows down and fat also starts getting deposited and thus you become obese.

  • Sleeping for a long time also affects some neurotransmitters in the brain due to which the problem of headache starts.
  • Oversleeping can make you feel tired and weak. Because of sleeping, you remain hungry for a long time. Because of this you do not get energy. Laziness and lethargy persist throughout the day.
  • You may suffer from back pain due to oversleeping. Stiffness in the neck and shoulders may also increase. If there is no physical activity for a long time, the problem of back pain increases.

Sleeping too much also increases the risk of heart disease. Because the physical activity of the person is negligible. Due to this obesity increases. Blood circulation is also not good. This causes high blood pressure and all these are responsible for increasing the risk of heart disease.