Photo credit: Boldsky

We all know that the summer season is going on, in this season special care has to be taken of health, this is because, in the summer season, people start getting sick very often. Some people consume such foods in this season which are very harmful to health, in such a situation, through this article, we are going to tell you about some such things which can prove to be harmful to your health. Let us know about those that you should refrain from consuming during the rainy season –

* Sea Foods :

Photo credit: Punjab Kesari

Consuming sea foods should be avoided during the rainy season. Because their consumption in this season can prove to be very harmful to our health, because the rainy season is the breeding season for fish, due to which the fish available in the market are not fresh, and if you consume them, you will get health problems. Many related problems may have to be faced.

Leafy Vegetables:

Photo credit: India

Consume leafy vegetables as little as possible during the rainy season, because during this season the risk of bacterial formation in leafy vegetables increases, so in the rainy season, you should avoid consuming vegetables like spinach and greens. Avoid them because consuming them increases the risk of infection in the body.

* Fried things:

Fried roasted things taste very good in the rainy season, but do you know that their consumption is harmful to health, let us tell you that by consuming such things, you may have to face problems related to the stomach. Consuming excessive amounts of dried things puts you at great risk of vomiting and diarrhea, so avoid consuming things only during the rainy season.

* Dairy Products:

Let us tell you that in the rainy season, you should avoid consuming dairy products like buttermilk, curd, and cheese, because, in this season, there is a high risk of bacterial growth in these things, apart from this, consuming these things will give you stomach problems. Related problems may have to be faced.