Photo Credit: The Better India

We all know very well that a healthy body requires a nutritious diet. You should include such a diet in your routine which contains all the nutrients. By eating a diet rich in such nutrients, the risk of diseases is reduced to a great extent. To keep the body healthy, along with vitamins and minerals and healthy fats, nutrients like protein are needed. Protein is a very important nutrient for our body because protein strengthens the bones of our body and Muscles are also built. By eating protein-rich food, you do not feel hungry quickly and your stomach feels full for a long time. It is seen that most people consume many types of non-veg food to fulfill the protein deficiency. In such a situation, vegetarian people are worried about what they should consume to fulfill the protein deficiency in their body. Consume. In such Today, through this article, we will tell you about protein-rich foods for vegetarians, consuming which there will never be protein deficiency in their body. Let us know in detail -

Photo Credit: Navbharat Times

* Chia Seeds :

Let us tell you that government people can include the consumption of chia seeds in their diet to fulfill the protein deficiency. You can easily eat it by mixing it in things like salad, porridge, tea, and smoothie. Chia seeds are rich in protein.

* Moong Dal:

Photo Credit: India TV Hindi

If you are a pure vegetarian then you should consume moong dal because moong dal is considered to be the best source of protein. You can also consume it by making khichdi, apart from this you can also consume it by making sprouts from moong dal.

* soy :

Health experts say that soya is considered to be the best source of protein. Government people must consume soya products. For this, you can include things like soybean, soya chunks, soya milk, and tofu in your diet.

* Chickpeas :

Let us tell you that chickpeas are also considered a good source of protein, from which you can prepare and eat a delicious vegetable. Protein is found in sufficient quantity in chickpeas, apart from this, potassium is also present in a very good amount in chickpeas.

* Quinoa :

Let us tell you that quinoa is a great protein food option for vegetarian people. It is also consumed to reduce weight because calories are found in less quantity in it. Be told that protein is found in very good quantity in it.