The monsoon season has knocked in Delhi and various states of the country. During this time, it is raining heavily in various states across the country. This rain has definitely given relief to the people from the scorching heat. At the same time, the problem of current in the rainy season increases the concern of the people. It is often seen that after a long time of rain, due to increased humidity, current is felt in various parts of the house. In the past years, news of people getting electric shocks has been coming out continuously during the rainy season. In many cases, people have even lost their lives. Not only this, short circuits are also seen a lot during this time, the main reason for which is the rapid spread of current in the rainy season. For this reason, you should take special care of many things during the rainy season. In this episode, today we are going to tell you about some special things, which you must know in the rainy season so that you can avoid current.

During the rainy season, you should take special care of the wiring of your house. When the wiring of the house is not done properly, during the rainy season, the current spreads rapidly inside the house. In such a situation, you should get the wiring of your house done by a recognized contractor only.

During the rainy season, you should always use electric equipment by plugging it. Many times people put the wire directly in the switch without a plug. This increases the risk of the wire getting shorted.

You should know that the current spreads rapidly in contact with water. For this reason, people should protect their house from moisture during the rainy season.

It is often seen that after using an appliance, people switch it off. Try to unplug the appliance directly during the rainy season when it is not in use.

(PC: Freepik)