Photo credit: Jagran

We all know very well that the deteriorating lifestyle and bad eating habits are taking a toll on our heart health. The risk of heart-related diseases like stroke and heart attack is continuously increasing in the growing age of people. The risk of these diseases is now increasing even among the youth. To keep the heart healthy, special care has to be taken of diet along with workouts. A healthy diet strengthens the body as well as gives it the ability to fight against diseases. According to health experts, the risk of heart-related diseases reduces to a great extent in people who follow a healthy diet. Come, through this article, we will tell you about some such foods whose consumption is considered very beneficial for heart health. Let's know -

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* Walnut :

Let us tell you that omega 3 fatty acid is found in a very good amount in walnuts, which works to control the cholesterol level in our bodies. Consuming walnuts regularly can reduce inflammation in the arteries. Nutrients found in walnuts help maintain healthy heart health.

* Orange :

Health experts say that high blood pressure can be a sign of heart-related diseases. Consuming oranges can be beneficial for you in case of high BP problems because apart from vitamin C, pectin fiber is also found in it. Consuming it regularly, which reduces cholesterol levels, also gives relief from the problem of high BP.

Photo credit: zee news

* Flaxseed :

We all know very well that the consumption of linseed seeds is considered very beneficial because it has a good amount of antioxidant properties. If you include linseed in your diet, then your blood circulation remains better. Fiber in the body and To meet the deficiency of phytochemicals, linseed can also be consumed by roasting and mixing it with other things.

* Green vegetables:

Vitamins and minerals are found in plenty in green vegetables, apart from this, nitrates are also present in a very good amount in it, which help in maintaining the health of the heart. To keep your heart health healthy, you should include spinach, beans, mustard seed, and fenugreek in your diet. By consuming these, iron deficiency in the body is fulfilled, apart from this, by consuming green vegetables, oxygen-rich blood reaches your heart easily.