Photo Credit: OnlyMyHealth

We all know very well that when the first rain falls on dry land during the monsoon season, it brings immense joy and fragrance. But do you know that along with this it also brings some challenges for the children as playing and going out in the rainy season increases the risk of seasonal diseases in children? During this season it is seen that children have to deal with colds, coughs, and other infections. In such a situation, if you are also worried about the health of children, then you must read this article, because through this article you will be told some such tips, by following which you can take special care of the health of children and save children from getting sick. So let's know about it in detail through -

* Wear proper clothes:

During the monsoon season, keep in mind that your savings should be avoided by wearing cold and wet clothes. Wear proper clothes to avoid diseases Always wear dry and warm clothes to avoid cold.

Photo Credit: Parents

* Take special care of cleanliness:

Children should make it a habit to wash their hands regularly, especially when they come out of the house because by doing this, children are protected from germs and viruses.

* Consume healthy things:

Children should be given a balanced and nutritious diet during the monsoon season. For this, you should include more and more fruits and vegetables in the diet of children so that their immune systems can be strengthened.

* Do not let there be a lack of water in the body:

Children should be motivated to drink a sufficient amount of water during the monsoon season. Keep in mind that the drinking water of the children should always be healthy and boiled.

* Regular exercise and rest :

Regular exercise and an adequate amount of sleep should be taken to keep children healthy during the monsoon season. Doing this helps in increasing the immunity of children. Due to this he does not become a victim of seasonal diseases.

Photo Credit: Verywell Family

* Avoid outside food :

Avoid eating outside food mainly during the rainy season, because outside food can cause diseases, so eat only fresh and nutritious food made at home.

* Vaccination :

Make sure to vaccinate children regularly as vaccination protects children from infectious diseases.