Photo Credit: Hari Bhoomi

We all know very well that a lot of progress has been made in the field of medicine but even today cancer remains such a dangerous disease in which even the slightest delay can take the life of the victim. There are many different types of cancer cases and one of these rare cancers is Jelly Belly Cancer. The cases of this cancer are continuously increasing in many countries. In medical language, jelly belly cancer is called pseudo myxoma peritonei. Actually, in this cancer, jelly is formed in the pelvic area. This cancer can grow and reach the intestines. According to the doctor, it is said that cases of this cancer are very rare but it is very important to identify its symptoms timely.

Let us tell you that Jelly Belly starts as a lump on the inner layer of the appendix which gradually grows. Due to this cancer, other organs start getting affected and one may also have to face stomach-related problems. So, through this article, let us know about the symptoms of Jelly Belly Cancer and the ways to prevent it -

Photo Credit: OnlyMyHealth

* What do doctors say about Jelly Belly Cancer:

Health experts say that jelly belly cancer does not spread in the entire body, rather this cancer remains limited to the organs around the stomach. Jelly belly starts from the appendix and gradually spreads to the intestines and pelvic area of ​​the victim. It is also very difficult to identify, however, when the tumor starts growing, many symptoms start appearing including changes in the appetite pattern of the victim, which must be paid attention to in time.

* Never ignore these symptoms:

Health experts say that a person suffering from jelly belly cancer starts having problems breathing along with swelling and abdominal pain, apart from this he always starts feeling full and bloated. If such symptoms persist, then you should never make the mistake of ignoring them. In such a situation, you should immediately consult a doctor so that you can get the right treatment in time.

Photo Credit: ETV Bharat

* Prevention and what is the treatment:

If we talk about treatment of delivery cancer, apart from medication, therapy or surgery can also be done. Apart from this, to prevent this, stomach-related problems should not be ignored. To reduce the risk of jelly belly cancer, you should adopt healthy habits like exercise and walking in your daily routine.