Photo Credit: FirstCry Parenting

We all know very well that when there is a danger of any disease in our body, doctors often advise us to check blood and urine. If you go to the toilet in the morning and suddenly the black stool starts appearing, then it is necessary to panic because normal color change can be a sign of big trouble. Let us know about it in detail through this article –

* What is the meaning of coming black feces:

Let us tell you that in ancient medical science or Ayurveda, it is called 'Excretory Disorder'. Black stool can be a sign that the amount of toxic substances in your body is high and there can be a disorder in the body. Apart from this, this color of stool indicates excessive pitta dosha in the body, which can cause many diseases.

* Why does black stool come:

Health experts say that there can be many reasons for black stools, such as indigestion, not being able to balance food, gas problems, increased bile, eating toxic food, etc. If this problem is happening regularly then it should never be ignored. Rather you should contact the doctor immediately, apart from this it can be treated along with proper diet and lifestyle changes from a qualified Ayurvedic specialist for years.

Photo Credit: Boldsky Hindi

* Remove toxicity like this:

To remove the increased toxicity in the body, first of all, you should check the stool and follow the doctor's instructions. Apart from this, to get relief from this problem, you should regularly consume detox drinks like lemon water, which can reduce the amount of toxic substances stored in your body. Apart from this, consuming foods rich in fiber also gives relief from this problem.

* This can also be a reason for changing the color of feces:

It is known that many times people eat tablets of such medicines or consume any black-colored drinks or food at night, then due to this black stool can also come in the morning. Due to this, you do not have to worry because next time your stool will start coming out of normal color.