Diabetes is making people around the world its prey. In India, the number of its patients is continuously increasing. One of the major reasons for this is a bad lifestyle. Worryingly, there is no permanent cure for it. Diabetes can be controlled only through better diet and exercise. Diabetes patients avoid sweets so that their sugar level does not increase. But there are some other lifestyle habits as well which can become a threat to diabetes patients. Many of its serious and life-threatening symptoms can appear. Identify these lifestyle habits from today itself and leave them.

Skipping breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It should not be skipped. Skipping breakfast increases the blood sugar level. The habit of not eating anything after 6 to 7 hours at night can increase the blood sugar level rapidly. Keep this in mind to control blood sugar levels.

Lack of sleep
We are all aware that a healthy adult must get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep in a day, failing which can lead to many health problems, diabetes is also one of them. Taking less sleep reduces the effect of hormones that control appetite and maintain blood glucose, first of all, obesity will increase and the risk of diabetes will arise.

Drinking coffee
Many people like to drink coffee first thing in the morning. The question is, is coffee good for diabetics? The CDC believes not. The organization believes that the caffeine present in coffee can increase blood sugar in some people.