In the changing times, alcohol consumption has become a status symbol and in such a situation, along with men, women have also not lagged in this matter. Nowadays, alcohol is served publicly in functions ranging from get-together parties to weddings, where women are seen consuming alcohol heavily. In such a situation, it becomes necessary to discuss its consumption and its side effects.

It has often been seen that women are more affected by drugs than men. Therefore, the question is bound to arise whether alcohol consumption is more harmful for women than men. And if yes, why is it so? In this article we have brought the answer to this question and that too with scientific facts.

Differences in the ability of men and women to metabolize alcohol

If seen, alcohol consumption is harmful to both men and women, but due to their physical structure, the possibility of harm from it increases in women. If understood from the scientific point of view, the effect of alcohol can be different in men and women and the main reason for this is the biological difference found in both. At the same time, due to biological differences, there is a difference in the ability to metabolize alcohol between men and women. Women have weaker alcohol metabolism than men and this is due to the formation of an enzyme.

If we understand this in detail, the presence of the helpful enzyme ADH i.e. alcohol dehydrogenase in the body is largely responsible for digesting alcohol. Whereas ADH is less active or not present in the liver of women as compared to men. In such a situation, due to their deficiency, digestion of alcohol becomes difficult in the body of women and in such a situation, the alcohol present in the body gets mixed in the blood. Due to this, the risk of harm caused by alcohol consumption increases in women.

Talking about physical structure, the proportion of fat in the body of women is more and the proportion of water is less as compared to men. In such a situation, men get the benefit of having a higher proportion of water in the body for the digestion of alcohol and alcohol gets digested quickly in their bodies. Whereas due to lack of water in the body of women, it takes time to digest alcohol and the amount of alcohol remains in their blood for a longer time. This is the reason why the physical side effects of alcohol are more visible in women.

Harmful effects of alcohol consumption in women

  • Now let's talk about the harm caused by alcohol consumption in women. Due to this, the risk of fatty liver, cirrhosis and liver-related problems increases in women.
  • The risk of heart disease in women also increases to a great extent due to alcohol consumption. Even the problem of heart attack is seen in women due to alcohol consumption.
  • Alcohol consumption increases the risk of breast cancer in women.
  • Along with this, the effect of alcohol consumption in women is also visible in fertility. At the same time, the consumption of alcohol during pregnancy can hurt the child.
  • Apart from this, excessive consumption of alcohol can also cause mental depression like bipolar disorder in women.

In this way, due to the physical structure of women, alcohol consumption is more harmful, to avoid this it is advised to abstain from alcohol. Also

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