On Holi, when there is a period of coolness with alcohol and cannabis, many times people drink it uncontrollably, but after some time, when the intoxication rises to the head, they do not understand what to do. There are also a lot of side effects of hangxiety caused by alcohol and cannabis.

Things like nausea, fatigue, throbbing headache, dry mouth, upset stomach and blurred memory give a lot of trouble to the human being. Not only this, there are three major complications of a hangover – inflammation, as it binds to various chemical enzymes in the body and changes the way they work, and dehydration, as it causes you to urinate a lot. And lack of sleep, because it disrupts your sleep pattern, so you can't get rest.

So let us know how to get rid of hangxiety.

1- First of all drink water as much as possible and you can take ORS along with water.

Nothing is better than lemonade to get rid of intoxication of both alcohol or cannabis, so take it as much as possible.

3- Keep drinking yogurt and fruit-juices filled with vitamin C, along with things full of vitamin B, it will show a rapid effect on your brain and you will feel fresh.

4- Drinking chamomile tea will make it easier to reduce 'hangjiti', if you want, drink a decoction of ginger, basil and cinnamon.

5-Ginger has many medicinal properties. You can use ginger to get rid of hangover and reduce restlessness. Ginger digests alcohol very fast and removes hangover.

6- To get rid of hangover, 3 to 4 mint leaves should be put in hot water and drink. It is beneficial for the stomach and your intestines also get relief from its use. You can easily remove hangover by using it.

Raise your blood sugar with 7-carbohydrates. Alcohol can interfere with blood sugar levels, which causes fatigue, irritability and weakness. So have a breakfast full of carbs and sugars (fructose in honey). Increase in blood sugar will give instant energy.