The veins of most people's hands are visible. The emergence of veins in the hands is a common thing. By the way, there is no problem with this. But for some people, the visible veins in the hands can be a problem. Pain can be felt in these nerves, so do not ignore it. Come, we will tell you here why the veins of the hands are visible. Let's tell.

Veins are visible in the hands, this is the reason-
Weight loss

Losing weight can be one of the reasons for the appearance of veins in the hands. Veins are visible on the hands of underweight people. Veins emerge when the fat on the hands is reduced.

To exercise
If you exercise, then blood circulation becomes faster. Due to this also the veins of the hands are visible. Apart from this, when we lift more weight, there is a strain on the muscles. This makes the veins swell.

The reason for the swelling of the veins can also be genetic. If your parents or anyone else has prominent veins on their hands, then there is every possibility that these veins will appear on your hands as well.

Growing old
Apart from this, along with age, the veins of the hands also start emerging. Actually, with aging, the skin becomes thinner. Due to this, the veins become more visible on the hands. With aging, the valves in the veins become weak, due to which blood accumulates in the veins and the veins appear to bulge.