Are you also suffering from hair fall and breakage due to which hair growth has stopped? Long hair is easy to wish for, but hard to achieve. If you use the right things in your hair, then your hair can grow. Oil has always been considered beneficial for long hair. Grandmothers also give the same advice that hair should always be oiled. Today in this article, we will tell you which oils can be beneficial for hair growth.

Why does hair growth stop?

  • It would not be wrong to say that diseases surround the body due to stress. Stress also affects hair growth. Taking stress triggers telogen effluvium. Due to this, our hair goes into the telogen phase and hair growth stops by 30%. So if you want your hair to grow, don't take the stress.

  • Ageing affects overall health. Often there is no growth of hair in old age. With age, the anagen phase shortens, which stops the formation of follicles.
  • Hair does not grow long even because of split ends. This problem is more in dry hair. Due to not getting enough nutrients to the hair, the moisture level of the hair is not balanced, which leads to split ends. So do trimming regularly.
  • Due to not taking the right diet, hair does not grow. Hair needs essential nutrients, which they get from the food they eat.
  • Due to not taking proper care, this hair does not grow long. Not washing the hair properly, using excessive heat products, using chemical things in the hair, all these things damage the hair.

How to use rosemary oil for long hair?

Essential oils are also beneficial for hair. If you wish to have long hair, then use rosemary oil in your hair.

  • Mix a few drops of jojoba oil with rosemary oil.
  • Now massage the hair with this oil.
  • Do not forget to apply oil on the scalp.
  • Using Rosemary oil in hair 2-3 times a week will make it grow longer.
  • Hair wash can be done by adding a few drops of rosemary oil to the shampoo. Apart from this, you can also mix this oil in the conditioner.

Is coconut oil beneficial for long hair?

Applying pure coconut oil to the hair makes it black. Also, there is growth of hair. For long hair, you should take hot oil therapy. Applying oil to the hair with light massage helps in blood circulation to the hair follicles. With the help of your fingertips, apply the oil thoroughly to the hair and scalp. Now soak a towel in hot water. Keep this towel wrapped in the hair for about 5 minutes. Repeat this process 3-4 times. By doing this, the oil will be well absorbed in the hair and scalp.

Does applying olive oil make hair grow?

Olive oil is beneficial for both skin and hair. This oil is rich in antioxidants and vitamins, which help in hair growth. Also, prevents hair damage. Shine also comes from the use of olive oil in the hair. It also works to nourish the hair, due to the hair does not break and fall. Using olive oil in the hair before the bath twice a week will give results within a few months.

Hair care tips

  • Wash hair thrice a week. Washing dry hair twice a week will suffice.
  • Washing hair does not spoil it, but use herbal shampoo.
  • Do not rub hair after hair wash. Allow the water to be absorbed by the towel.
  • Wet hair should not be combed. By doing this the hair starts breaking. Detangle hair with a wide-tooth comb.
  • Do not get chemical treatments like smoothing, keratin and colouring done in hair. Along with damaging the hair, all these things also hinder growth.

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