Due to this increasing pollution and disorganized lifestyle, hair is getting damaged a lot and the problem of hair fall is increasing due to the decrease in the strength of the roots. Ignoring it can make you a victim of baldness. To avoid this problem, it is important that the hair is nourished both internally and externally. In such a situation, today we have brought for you some such methods and diets that nourish the hair and provide strength from the roots. So let's know about them...

Onion juice
Apply garlic juice, onion juice, or ginger juice and massage your scalp. Do this process before sleeping and wash your hair thoroughly in the morning. Onion juice contains sulfur content. These promote the production of collagen present in the tissue. The use of onion as a medicine for hair fall prevents hair fall. For this, grind an onion and extract its juice. Now dip cotton in it and apply the juice from the roots to the ends of the hair. After about half an hour, wash the hair with cold water and then shampoo it.

Drumstick (Moringa) moisturizes hair
Moringa, also known as drumstick, is a superfood. Eat it whole or use it in powder form. This will help in making your hair and skin shine. If you want to reduce the symptoms of aging, try eating one teaspoon of this powder every day. It is also very beneficial in weight loss. Antioxidants and vitamins A, C, and E are found in Moringa, so they help in keeping the skin young and hair black and long. If you want, you can make its thick paste as a face mask or conditioner for your hair. It moisturizes your hair and gives a glow to your skin.

Let us know how it should be used
To use it, you need 1 tablespoon of Moringa powder, 1 ripe and mashed avocado, 1 tablespoon of honey, and 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice. Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl. Apply this paste on wet and clean hair and massage the scalp thoroughly. Put a shower cap on your hair and let it sit for 20 to 30 minutes. Then wash the hair. Apply it twice a month to get good results.

Amla provides nourishment to hair
Amla is rich in many properties that can help promote the health of both hair and skin. It promotes hair health. Nourishes your hair and also helps reduce dandruff. For this, boil 5 gooseberries in a cup of coconut oil until the oil turns black. After this, cool the oil and massage the head with it. After about 20 to 30 minutes, wash your head with shampoo.

Amla has been used as a hair tonic. Use of Amla can help in strengthening hair. If Amla is used with coconut oil, it can be helpful in preventing hair fall. Apart from this, Amla can provide nourishment to the hair thus making the hair healthy. If Amla is consumed then it can be more beneficial. Amla contains Vitamin C, which can be beneficial for falling hair.

Vitamin E is essential for hair
Vitamin E is rich in antioxidants. When you go out in the sun without covering your hair, there is a lot of damage to the hair as well as the scalp. Foods containing Vitamin E keep you safe from these problems. Eat sunflower seeds and almonds in your daily diet.
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