Your hair plays an important role in your personality... You all know this, but do you know that your hair also tells about your health? Yes, let us tell you that the texture of a person's hair can reveal his health and health-related problems to a great extent.

Hair formation and growth completely depend on your physical structure. Your current physical condition and the changes occurring in it determine the texture of your hair. In such a situation, whenever you suffer from any physical problem or nutrients are deficient in the body, its effect starts appearing in your hair. Seen in this way, changes in hair are a clear indication of physical problems. In this article, we are going to tell you how common changes or symptoms seen in hair can be signs of serious physical problems.

Hair fall

According to experts, it is normal for 40 to 100 hairs to fall every day, but hair falling more than this is a red alert for you that you may be suffering from some health problem. Let us tell you that excessive stress along with anaemia and, an imbalance of other hormones like thyroid or estrogen can also be responsible for hair loss. Apart from these, a lack of nutrients like protein and iron in the body can also cause hair fall. Whereas in women, hair falls rapidly after the birth of a child, due to the consumption of contraceptive pills or during menopause.

Dry hair problem

The main reason for dryness in hair is the lack of essential nutrients in the body. While protein plays an important role in hair formation, nutrients like iron, zinc and vitamins are also responsible for proper hair growth. In such a situation, due to a deficiency of any of these nutrients in the body, the texture of the hair can get spoiled. Especially the problem of dry hair is seen due to lack of these nutrients.

Premature hair graying

Premature greying of hair is considered a sign of physical problems. Especially excessive stress is considered to be the cause of premature grey hair. In fact, in case of stress, the cortisol hormone increases in the body and this hormone hinders the development of elements like proteoglycans and hyaluronan. Let us tell you that proteoglycans and hyaluronan are directly helpful skin elements for hair growth, hence the stagnation in their growth due to stress affects the health of the hair. This is the reason why people suffering from stress face the problem of premature greying of hair.

Dandruff problem in hair

The problem of dandruff in hair is generally seen due to dry weather. But problems like oily skin, stress and obesity are also the reasons for this. At times, it also results in skin problems like dandruff and eczema. In such a situation, ignoring dandruff can lead to serious skin problems like fungus. Therefore, if you have the problem of dandruff in your hair, definitely contact a dermatologist.

Oily hair

Excessive oiliness of hair can also be a sign of health-related problems. If hair is becoming oily despite regular cleaning of hair, then your irregular eating habits may be responsible for this. Consumption of oily food increases the production of sebum, due to which your scalp becomes oily. To avoid this, you should avoid consuming oily food and eat a balanced diet rich in nutrients. Apart from this, mental stress also increases the production of sebum, hence controlling stress is also important.

If you are seeing any of these symptoms in your hair, then first try to find out its cause and then treat that root problem appropriately.

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