Tips to Make Scalp Non-Sticky: In summer, due to dust, dirt, and sweat, many times the scalp becomes oily, due to which many problems like fungal infection, itching, dandruff, and hair fall start occurring. In such a situation, if you want, you can get rid of this problem with the help of some simple household things. Let us know about them.

Epsom Salt: Epsom salt can be very helpful in keeping the scalp healthy. Magnesium is found in abundance in Epsom salt. Which helps in controlling the production of sebum. With its use, the scalp becomes healthy and also gets rid of problems like itching and dandruff in the head.

Virgin Coconut Oil: You can also use virgin coconut oil for scalp care. Applying this reduces the production of sebum in the hair and also prevents stickiness. With its use, the shine of the hair remains intact and the hair becomes silky-shiny.

Tea tree oil: You can also take the help of tea tree oil rich in anti-bacterial elements for scalp care. Tea tree oil helps in absorbing the extra oil present in the scalp. Due to this, the scalp remains nonsticky as well as dandruff-free. Not only this, with the help of tea tree oil, the smell coming from the scalp and hair is also removed in summer.

Aloe vera gel: You can also use aloe vera gel and lemon juice, which are rich in anti-bacterial elements, to make the scalp nonsticky and fungal-free. Along with nourishing the hair, it also controls the production of sebum. Along with this, it also plays a good role in removing problems like itching and dandruff.

Honey-lemon: Honey and lemon also play a good role in protecting the hair from stickiness and keeping the scalp hydrated. It keeps the hair moisturized and helps in balancing the oil of the scalp. By using this, the hair gets nourishment and the hair also becomes healthy. Due to this their breakage and fall also reduced.

Neem: Neem with medicinal elements acts as the best detoxifying agent for both scalp and hair. With its use, extra oil from the scalp is reduced. Also, the anti-bacterial and anti-fungal elements present in neem are also helpful in protecting the scalp from bacterial infection. Due to this the scalp remains healthy and the hair becomes strong.