image credit: CNN

When pimples appear on the face, it affects the beauty of the face. But sometimes boils also come out on the back, which we often ignore. However, there are many problems for women who like to wear backless dresses.

image credit: verywellhealth

These pimples spoil the beauty of the back, which makes it necessary to hide them in marriages and parties. Pimples on the back not only spoil the beauty of the skin, but these boils are often itchy, and scratching the back in public places also spoils the impression of people.

Aloe vera gel is very beneficial for the skin. To get rid of back pimples, break an aloe vera leaf and take out its gel and keep it in the fridge for some time. Now apply cooling gel on the affected area and leave it for about half an hour. Finally, wash off with clean water.

image credit: bodycraft

Prepare a face mask by mixing honey and cinnamon. It has antibacterial properties that help in getting rid of boils. To do this, mix one teaspoon of honey and cinnamon powder and leave it for 15 minutes.