Vitamin B For Premature White Hair: In today's era, the people of young age group are most troubled by white hair, because it happens opposite to their expectations. Generally, hair ripening should start after 35 years, but now 25-year-olds are also worried about the changing color of their hair. Due to this one has to face that embarrassment as well as low confidence.

Why does hair grow at a young age?

White hair at a young age can come due to genetic reasons, but usually, it is related to our daily diet, by eating healthy foods, white hair can be prevented from growing. Although many nutrients are needed for hair care, if there is a deficiency of Vitamin B in the body then things will get worse.

Do not let there be a deficiency of Vitamin B in the body

When there is a deficiency of Vitamin B in the body, then its effect starts appearing in our hair, because of this, not only the hair becomes white, but the problem of hair fall also starts appearing, which later becomes the cause of baldness. becomes. That's why it is important not to let the lack of this vitamin in your food items.

Why is Vitamin B important?

If you are also facing the problem of graying hair at a young age, then take Vitamin B, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B12, the deficiency of these nutrients reduces the supply of oxygen to the hair and white hair starts appearing on the head...

Must eat these things

To meet the deficiency of Vitamin B, you should consume mushrooms, pulses, and chocolate in your daily diet. Copper is found in these things which is good for hair health. Apart from this, curry leaves and amla are no less than any medicine for hair.

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