Wavy hair looks great, but when it comes to taking care of it, it takes a lot of thought. Wavy hair is neither straight nor curly. In such a situation, the method from washing to styling is different.

Not all types of products suit wavy hair. That's why you should know what is right for your hair and what is not. Today in this article, we will tell you the right way to take care of wavy hair.

Choose the right shampoo

You have to be very careful when it comes to hair care. No product should be used on the hair. Especially buy shampoos and conditioners very thoughtfully.

You do not have to use any shampoo. You will find different types of shampoos in the market. If you have wavy hair, then you should use a shampoo made for this texture. Also, keep in mind how is your hair. This means oily, dry or frizzy. Choose shampoo accordingly.

After washing the hair with shampoo, apply conditioner. This will keep your hair nice and bouncy. Conditioner should always be applied from the mid-shaft to the ends of the hair.

Use live-in serum

Moisture is less in wavy hair. Hair also gets dehydrated. In this case, you should use the serum on the hair. Instead of normal serum, apply live-in hair serum.

Using this will help to lock the wave. You should buy a serum enriched with keratin. Keratin is very important for hair. It will keep your hair frizz-free. Also strengthens the hair strand.

Say no to the dryer

Have you ever noticed that after drying your hair with a dryer, it keeps flying? Have you ever thought about why this happens? Artificial heat takes away the moisture from the hair. That's why your hair becomes frizzy.

Avoid using hair styling tools especially blow dryers. If your hair is wavy then you should air dry it. Waves can be damaged by a blow dryer. Air-drying your hair will add bounce to your waves.

Use comb less

To keep wavy hair bouncy, you should use the comb sparingly. You should first detangle the hair with the help of your fingers, then comb the hair with a wide brush.

Do not use a hairbrush. Brushing can cause hair breakage. The shape of the wave can also be changed.

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