Reasons for Graying Hair: The problem of gray hair is very common at an early age. Which most of the youth are facing. But most of the people struggling with this problem do not understand the reason behind it. While it is important to understand the reason behind the early graying of hair. Let us tell you that according to Medical News Today, there are not one but many things, which can be the cause of graying of hair at an early age. So let's know about them. Which you can get rid of this problem by paying attention to them in time.


Smoking: Smoking is also a major reason for graying of hair at a young age. Let us tell you that according to a study published in the year 2013 in the Italian Dermatology Online Journal, smokers are 2-1/2 times more likely to have gray hair before the age of 30 than non-smokers.


Hair dye and shampoo: Hair dye, shampoo and all kinds of hair products used to color hair can also be the reason for premature graying of hair. Actually, many of these products contain harmful ingredients, which reduce melanin. Along with this, hydrogen peroxide present in most hair dyes can also be the reason for this.


Stress: Stress can also be a major reason for early graying of hair. Let us tell you that a New York University study reported in Nature Medicine suggests that when the body is under stress, the cells responsible for hair color can die out. That's why it will be better that you try to remain stress-free.


Medical conditions: Some medical conditions including autoimmune diseases can also cause premature graying of hair. Research published in the year 2008 showed a connection between hair abnormalities and thyroid dysfunction. Along with this, alopecia areata can also be the reason for the early graying of hair.


Deficiency of Vitamins: Deficiency of any of Vitamin B-6, B-12, Biotin, Vitamin D, or Vitamin E in the body is one of the causes of premature graying of hair. According to a 2016 study in the International Journal of Trichology, among young Indians under the age of 25, low levels of serum ferritin, which stores iron in the body, was also a factor in premature graying of hair.

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