I had heard from a friend of mine that if you comb your hair 108 times every day before sleeping at night, then the hair grows. I never tried it myself, but I often heard it from her mouth, so one day I asked my mother. Mother ended the conversation by saying she didn't know, but this question remained stuck in my mind for a long time.

Women love their long, thick and beautiful hair so much that we can do anything to maintain it. Many beauty products are already available in the market.

We also often try home remedies, but perhaps you have heard for the first time about combing the hair daily to grow longer. But can this happen? Well-known dermatologist and hair and skin care expert ChitraAnand has shared interesting information related to this on her social media account. Let us know from experts whether combing hair makes hair longer.

Benefits of combing hair-

It is not that there are no benefits to combing hair. Combing makes it easier to untangle tangled hair. When you brush your hair properly, it helps distribute the natural oils from the roots to the ends of your hair. It is similar to a massage, which also improves blood circulation.

Not only will this, brushing not make it easier to remove dirt and other build-up from the hair.

Does brushing promote hair growth?

Well-known dermatologist and hair and skin care expert ChitraAnand says, "If you are thinking that brushing hair 100 times a day leads to hair growth, then it is not so. This is a popular myth that has been going on for a long time. However, hair brushing is a good way to keep your hair clean, because it keeps your hair clean. "

Disadvantages of frequent hair brushing

DrChitra also says that due to this, brushing your hair excessively can damage your hair. This can cause excessive hair breakage, split ends and damage to the hair cuticle. It damages the protective layer of your hair.

Is it okay to brush wet hair?

Most of us women comb wet hair in a hurry. Do you know that due to this the hair becomes weak and starts breaking? Excessive friction starts occurring in wet hair and hence hair breaks more. Dry your hair first and then detangle it with a wide-tooth comb. This way the hair will neither get tangled nor break. If wet hair is tangled, instead of pulling with a comb, gently untangle the hair by hand and then brush.

Tips to reduce hair fall-

If you also want your hair to break less, then pay special attention to some things-

To wash your hair, use shampoo and conditioner according to your hair type. Choose a shampoo that protects your hair while also keeping it hydrated.

  • Don't style your hair in the same sleek ponytail or tight braids every day. This also increases the risk of hair breakage.
  • Choose satin or silk pillow covers instead of cotton pillow covers. Cotton clothes will cause more friction in the hair and this will also cause hair breakage.
  • Never wrap wet hair in a towel. The fibres of cotton towels rough up the hair cuticles. Also, the weight of the towel puts more pressure on the hair and this causes the hair to break and fall out.

You should also keep these things in mind and do not believe at all in the myth that by combing your hair 100 times a day, it will grow faster. If the problem of hair breakage is increasing, then consult a hair expert.

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