Many problems related to health start appearing in summer. Especially problems related to digestion and skin are common in this season. If we do not change our diet and lifestyle in the summer season, then we can get sick. When the temperature rises, its effect is clear on our bodies. Especially, children and the elderly need to be more alert during this time. Ayurveda has a lot to say about the do's and don'ts to stay healthy in summer.

According to Ayurveda, we must do 3 things to stay healthy in the summer season. Ayurvedic expert Dr. DeekshaBhavsar has shared information about them through her Instagram account.

Sleep during the day

In Ayurveda, sleeping during the day is prohibited in all seasons except summer. But in summer it is advisable to sleep during the day. According to Ayurveda, a short nap must be taken in the afternoon during summer. This is because the temperature is very high during the day. When you step out, all your energy will be drained due to sunlight. On the other hand, energy remains in the body by sleeping during the day. Physical and mental fatigue goes away. It also balances Kaphadosha in the body, which reduces due to increased temperature in summer.

Sleeping in the moonlight

Ayurveda recommends sleeping in the moonlight in summer. According to Ayurveda, if you sleep in the moonlight at night, it removes the tiredness of the day. This gives coolness to the body and mind and also leads to good sleep. If possible, sleep under the open sky instead of cooler or AC.

Consumption of natural drinks

Ayurveda recommends many healthy drinks for summer. According to Ayurveda, pot water should be drunk in summer. Infused water of mint, rose, lotus, poppy and coriander would also be good. This will help you avoid heat stroke. Apart from this, Ayurveda recommends drinking natural syrups and drinks, which include bael, fennel, mint, sattu and gulkand drinks. Apart from this, sugarcane juice and coconut water should also be made a part of the diet.

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