Every woman and man needs to have thick, dark, and strong hair. Hair adds to the beauty of a person, but many times it is seen that hair starts falling very fast in the changing season. Especially when the rainy season comes, sometimes the humid heat and sometimes heavy rain makes the hair weak. Many people take various treatments to stop hair fall, but sometimes these treatments do not work. In this situation, home remedies are also tried.

To stop hair fall, first of all, you should know why hair is falling. If you take care of these things in advance and do not repeat some mistakes then your hair fall will stop. It is not that difficult to take care of these things. Let us also tell you about some such mistakes, which you too must be repeating by mistake.

When hair gets dirty
When your hair becomes dirtier then the chances of it falling also become very high. That's why hair should always be kept clean. Try to wash your hair every third day.

Wrong oiling
While applying oil to the hair, keep in mind that do not leave it on the hair for a long time. This clogs the hair follicles, which leads to hair fall. Do not rub the hair while applying oil.

Use chemicals
Using different types of chemical-rich things in the hair also causes a lot of hair fall, use household things as much as possible. While using them, keep in mind that they should be according to your hair type.

Over color
Nowadays there is a trend of dyeing hair in different colors. In such a situation, the hair becomes weak from the inside. Try not to use these colors.

Wet hair comb
In a hurry, people comb their hair only when it is wet, due to which the hair starts getting weak. In such a situation, try to dry the hair first and then comb it.

Use of hair dryer
Sometimes you can use a hair dryer but try to stay away from it. This makes the hair weak, due to which hair falls.

(PC: Freepik)