If your hair is dry and lifeless even after using expensive hair products, then the deficiency is not in your hair care products but in your diet. If your hair is falling then it means that you are not eating the right foods. Good food is a subject that has many parts and forms. Eating and drinking well not only keeps you healthy but your skin and hair also do not get spoiled. Your skin glows and your hair becomes strong and shiny. So if you want healthy, thick, and shiny hair, you must have a balanced diet. To achieve the goal of healthy hair, you have to include foods rich in vitamins and minerals in your diet.

Seafood increases hair growth
Seafood is great for your hair. Because seafood is found in selenium, biotin, vitamin D3, vitamin B, and omega-3 fatty acids. All these increase hair growth and also make your hair shiny. Omega-3 fatty acids also help in making hair thicker. Several studies show that taking omega-3 supplements reduces hair fall and makes hair thicker. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in salmon, which prevents hair fall. It also does not leave your scalp dry.

Say Big Yes to Eggs
Eggs are rich in protein and biotin. Your hair is made of a structural protein known as keratin. Keratin is made up of 16 amino acids. If there is a lack of protein in your diet then your hair may start falling. The biotin in eggs breaks down proteins into amino acids, which are the building blocks of your hair. Eggs also contain essential elements like zinc and vitamin A. So, be it egg whites, scrambled eggs, or egg sandwiches, include them in your diet.

Include nuts in the diet
It is very important to include nuts in your diet for hair nutrition. Nuts are delicious and contain many nutrients for hair growth. These contain protein, biotin, copper, B vitamins, vitamin E, zinc, and essential fatty acids. All these are necessary for the growth and strength of our hair. Walnuts contain a variety of omega fatty acids, which strengthen hair follicles. Walnuts are rich in selenium, which protects your hair from the sun's strong rays. One cup of almonds has 37 percent of your daily requirement. Contains % Vitamin E. Almonds and peanuts contain biotin, which is an essential vitamin for the health of your hair. Pumpkin seeds contain healthy fats and vitamins, which add shine to your hair and provide nourishment. Pumpkin also contains zinc, which protects your scalp from dryness.

Spinach rich in Vitamin A
Spinach is very beneficial for our hair as it contains Vitamin A. Vitamin A is needed for the production of sebum or oil on your scalp. Excess sebum leads to an oily scalp, and less sebum can cause a dry scalp. To keep the formation of oil right, you should keep consuming spinach. Spinach also contains other nutrients like vitamin E, vitamin C, biotin, and iron. Iron is an essential mineral that supplies oxygen to your hair follicles.

Citrus fruits make hair healthy
Apart from being very tasty, citrus fruits also send nutrients to your body that keep hair healthy. This is because Vitamin C content is found in abundance in them. To get iron in your body, you must include a sufficient amount of Vitamin C in your diet. Vitamin C helps your body in the absorption of iron. Kiwi and mango are excellent sources of vitamin C. Having Vitamin C in your diet prevent hair thinning.

Protein for hair from probiotics
Protein is essential for the growth of new hair. To bring shine to the hair, people also apply curd on the hair as a hair mask. If you don't consume enough protein, your body automatically diverts protein to support your organs and your hair growth slows down. In such a situation, by including more protein in your diet, some of the nutrients of protein are used for the growth of your hair and nails. Normal yogurt ie unsweetened yogurt is not only full of protein, but it also contains abundant probiotics. There are Probiotics are good bacteria that help your body absorb nutrients. Yogurt contains vitamin B5, or pantothenic acid, which can help repair thinning hair. Therefore, include curd in your diet.