Nowadays almost every second person is troubled by the problem of obesity. The increased weight not only spoils our look but also invites many diseases. To stay healthy, it is very important to weight control. For weight loss, it is advised to stay away from unhealthy food and exercise. There are also some things which are considered very good for weight loss. Green tea is one of these, most people include green tea in their diet for weight loss. Even though the taste of green tea is not good, due to its properties, people have started drinking it nowadays.

Where on one hand some people reduce their weight by drinking green tea, on the other hand, some people also complain that drinking green tea did not affect their weight at all. What kind of logic is that? Is there any right way or right time to drink green tea that should be followed?

Let us know about this from Dietician, Public Health Expert Swati Bathwal. You must read this article till the end. You will get answers to all the questions related to green tea and weight loss.

What are the benefits of green tea?

Antioxidants are found in green tea. Drinking green tea boosts our metabolism and helps in weight loss. Green tea is also very good for our skin. Consumption of green tea is also considered effective for reducing belly fat.

What is the right time?

According to experts, if you drink green tea for weight loss at any time, it will be beneficial. Green tea contains a very small amount of caffeine, but still, if you are caffeine sensitive, do not take it in the evening or at night. This will cause difficulty in sleeping. Apart from this, even if you have more urine, you should avoid drinking green tea in the evening. 3-4 cups of green tea can be drunk in a day. You can also drink green tea on an empty stomach. If you drink green tea after 10-15 minutes of eating, it will help you in digesting food.

What is calorie count?

There are 0-2 calories in 1 cup of Green Tea. On the other hand, if we talk about tea or coffee with 1 cup of milk, then it contains about 120-150 calories. This means if we drink 2-3 cups of tea or coffee in a day then about 350-450 calories will reach our body. At the same time, only 10 calories will reach our body by taking green tea 2-3 times.

Do not take any tea with food

Be it green tea or normal tea, tea should never be taken with food. The tannins present in tea reduce the rate of iron absorption in the body. Because of this, we do not get complete nutrition from food.

Are you making this mistake somewhere?

Do not take any snacks like cake or biscuits with green tea. If you are drinking it for weight loss, do not drink it even after adding honey because it will not cause weight loss. Often when people complain that green tea is not reducing weight, then this is the reason behind it. If you are drinking green tea for weight loss, do not add milk or sugar to it.

It is also important to take care of these things

One cannot lose weight simply by drinking green tea. Along with this, it is also necessary to have correct eating habits. If you are eating fried food, not exercising at all, and not giving place to healthy foods on your plate, then only drinking green tea will not reduce your weight.

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