For women to remain healthy, it is important to have periods at the right time. Irregular periods or excessive or low flow during these days are directly related to women's health. There can be many reasons behind periods becoming irregular or becoming more difficult during these days. These include many reasons including stress, poor eating habits, and hormonal imbalance. Correct changes in diet are very important for healthy periods. In 2023, certain food items were most searched for to keep menstruation healthy. By including these things in your diet, you can also reduce the difficulties faced during periods.

Cruciferous vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are also called cruciferous vegetables. These help in reducing period pain, managing the period flow and dealing with breast swelling during these days. All cruciferous vegetables, including spinach, broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower, are rich in many nutrients like magnesium and calcium. By including these in your diet, you can reduce the difficulties faced during periods to a great extent.

Nuts and Seeds

Magnesium and zinc are very important for period health. Apart from this, things rich in Omega-3 can also help in regularizing periods. Therefore, there are many seeds and nuts including cashews, walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds, which can make periods healthy. Sesame seeds, flax seeds and peanuts also provide relief from period pain. Along with this, these seeds and nuts are also effective in giving strength to the body and improving digestion. These seeds also relieve constipation, which is quite common during periods.


Emmenagogue is found in turmeric. This period is very good for health. Turmeric manages the levels of estrogen and progesterone in the body. Due to this heavy flow during periods can be controlled. Apart from this, turmeric milk helps reduce period cramps and cramps. It was searched a lot for healthy periods in 2023.

Water Rich Foods

Watcher-rich foods are effective in reducing period pain. One of the reasons behind period cramps can also be a lack of water in the body. At the same time, energy gets drained a lot these days. In such a situation, it is very important to keep the body hydrated. For this, water-rich foods like cucumber, watermelon and melon should be eaten. In 2023, these things were searched a lot for period health.

Eggs and fish

Protein-rich eggs are also considered good for period health. However, consuming too much of them can cause swelling. Eggs were also highly searched for in a healthy diet for periods in 2023. By eating this the stomach remains full for a longer time. In such a situation, unhealthy cravings during periods can also be avoided. Fish is rich in protein, iron and omega-3 fatty acids. The nutrients found in it help reduce period pain and improve mood.

Dark chocolate

Women often have a craving to eat chocolate during their periods, but let us tell you that it is very beneficial for period health. Rich in iron and magnesium, dark chocolate not only reduces period pain but also reduces mood swings.


Tofu was also greatly appreciated for healthy periods in 2023. It is a good source of protein and other nutrients found in it are also good for period health. By including it in the diet, problems occurring during periods can be reduced to a great extent.


This is also one of the searched food items for healthy periods in 2023. It is rich in fiber and many nutrients which improve digestion. Constipation, indigestion and gas often occur during periods. In such a situation, quinoa can help you.


Curd is rich in probiotics. Many bacteria are found in it that keep the gut and vagina healthy. Vaginal infections occur frequently during periods. In such a situation, these can be avoided by including curd in the diet.

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