Google has made a new claim of 47 years of quantum supremacy over the fastest supercomputer of the present time. How fast quantum computers can calculate compared to supercomputers is called 'quantum supremacy'. According to Google's new claim, it would take 47.2 years for today's most powerful supercomputer 'Frontier' to do the calculation it did with a quantum computer in 6:18 seconds. Researchers from Google Quantum AI and about 10 universities associated with it have published detailed scientific articles about it. According to the article, this quantum computer of Google is 70 qubits. Qubits mean quantum bits.

That's why quantum does fast calculations
In traditional computers, every type of information or data is stored in binary coding (0 and 1 digits), this basic unit is called a byte. In quantum computers, cubits are used instead of bytes. Qubits have the specialty that they can be either 0 or 1. For this reason, quantum computers can calculate much faster. In 2019, Google described its quantum computer as 53 qubits. In this context, the new quantum computer is being said to be 241 million times more powerful.

There are still many challenges
American companies like Google and IBM and many Chinese companies are making many claims about their quantum computers. But making them practical is still a big challenge for scientists. Quantum processors are said to be their foundation. They have to be kept at minus 273-degree temperature. It is also necessary to give a stable environment to the computer during calculation and not to allow external interference. This is considered to be the biggest obstacle in their practical development and use. Google's new claim is also based on a synthetic process called random circuit sampling of quantum computers. In this, Google has shown the potential of quantum computing.

Hope for a new future
Despite all the challenges in the development of medicines, vaccines, and chemicals, quantum computers are being called a technology with the potential to give a future to human civilization. It's millions of times faster and deeper calculation capacity can help in finding elements to cure many incurable diseases including cancer. Help can also be found in the search for vaccines. This can be useful in studying chemicals and developing new forms.

(pc amarujala)