With increasing age, many changes start coming in a person. Physical changes are seen first. Wrinkles on the face with increasing age, weak eyesight, sagging skin, weakness, low energy, feeling tired quickly, and graying of hair are common symptoms. Apart from this, there are changes in the intellectual state as well, such as weak memory, and inability to concentrate. Also, health problems can increase, such as diabetes, heart disease, etc.

To stay away from these problems of old age, precautions can be taken in advance. Some yogasanas are very effective in keeping old age away from yourself. By practicing them, skin-related problems do not occur in old age, as well as immunity remains better, due to which diseases related to old age can also be avoided. Let us know about the yogasanas that keep old age away.

This asana is called the Warrior Pose, which strengthens the calf and knee muscles. Problems of knee and leg pain that occur with aging are prevented. People who complain of leg pain should practice Virabhadrasana.

This is called the Tree Pose, in which the body is shaped like a tree. This asana improves the posture of the body. Due to bad posture, the body posture deteriorates with increasing age. Vrikshasana corrects the posture, stretches the shoulder muscles and reduces shoulder and neck pain in old age. Wrinkles on the face can also be avoided by practicing this asana.

This asana prevents skin disorders. Regular practice of Bhujangasana keeps the blood clean and oxygen is supplied to the brain. Regularly practice Bhujangasana to bring a glow to the face. This asana is effective in looking young even in old age.