The purpose of celebrating International Girl Child Day is to make society aware of the challenges faced by girls and to protect their rights, but how aware are we of the safety of girls? Women, who constitute half the population in our country, have been moving out of their homes for almost the last two decades. They are establishing their identity in every field. Trying to live life without any restrictions and breathe open air. Despite this, they have not been able to overcome the helpless and dependent image that has persisted for centuries in the male-dominated society. Cases like the Sakshi massacre are proof of cruelty and brutality. These heart-wrenching incidents also attack the existing socio-constitutional system.

Although today there has been multifaceted development at every level in the society and improvement in the socio-economic condition of the people, but the so-called contractors of the society also create obstacles in the path of progress. Many times, due to increasing anger and a tendency to maintain dominance, they do not shy away from torturing women physically and mentally. The news of brutal violence against women every day on TV, in newspapers, and on social media is proof of this. The sad thing is that instead of any reaction against the crime happening in front of them, the common people silently ignore it. These incidents point to the increasing insensitivity of society towards girls.

The rule of law and the rights of men should be taught from childhood.
For centuries society has been patriarchal, in which all power or rule of law is in favor of men. Since childhood, boys are instilled with the feeling of being the head of the family and considering women inferior. After this, boys start accepting the harassment of women. The situation becomes more tragic when society does not support women despite facing harassment. Even if a woman decides to fight against crime, the family silences her by scolding her. The family is also responsible for these incidents happening in the society.

Women are responsible for their situation
The practice of ‘Victim Blaming’ in society makes the condition of women more miserable. The mentality of society is that it holds women responsible for any kind of crime or atrocities on women. Due to this mentality, if any atrocities are being committed against a woman or someone is beating her or teasing her on the road, then people turn a blind eye and walk away. On the other hand, giving secondary or lower status to women in society, and getting social acceptance to tolerate the beatings and atrocities done by men is the major reason for increasing crime against women.

Only 23 percent are punished for crimes against women
According to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) report, crimes against women increased by 15 percent in 2021. Roughly in the last 10 years, crimes against women have increased by 75 percent. Barring selected cases, legal action is not taken against men who harass women, or even after being convicted, punishment is not provided for years. According to National Crime Bureau data, in the current situation, only 23 percent of the total cases of crime against women get punished.

Some important steps
After some time, criminals who commit heinous crimes are seen roaming fearlessly in the society. Neither the society ostracizes them nor the law can give them any kind of harsh punishment. It seems impossible to bring about a radical change in the socio-administrative system that has been going on for centuries. Therefore, society itself will have to take the responsibility of stopping the increasing crimes against women.

Start from home
Home is an integral part of society. If we have to bring change to the next generation, then we will have to develop the mentality in the hearts and minds of children that boys and girls are equal in society. If boys are the ancestors of the lineage, then girls are the progenitors of the lineage. Boys will have to be taught to protect the fundamental rights of girls and be conscious of their safety, only then when they grow up they will be able to help stop crime against women. At the same time, girls should be taught from childhood to strongly oppose the expectations and aspirations of others or to react against anyone's wrong behavior. Various methods of self-protection should be taught, so that they can be completely alert to adverse situations and keep themselves safe.

Social responsibility
It is the responsibility of every person in the society to stop crimes against women. Appropriate steps should be taken for the safety of a woman who is a victim of male cruelty. Instead of becoming a spectator, one should become the protector of the helpless woman. The police indeed reached the incident site late due to a lack of information, but there was a need for people nearby to come forward to help the woman and take immediate action.

If even 4-5 people come together and try to stop the murderer, they can succeed and someone's life can be saved. Seeing them, it is possible that other people also join them and control the criminal. There has been a lot of change in the legal process today. The police do not take under suspicion the person who gives information about crimes against women. Now a person can report the incident even by keeping his identity secret. If we want to stop the increasing crime against women in society, then we will have to muster the courage to lodge a police report against the culprit.