Frizzy Hair care: Serum is a very good product for hair, but sometimes these serums do not show the effect on hair in the way that you want and you keep spending money on different types of serums one after the other. If yes, then today we will teach you how to make hair serum at home using natural ingredients, which is not only economical but will also show magical effects on your hair. These two things are aloe vera and coconut oil. Both aloe vera and coconut oil are very beneficial for our skin as well as our hair. The vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants present in them prevent hair damage and help in hair growth.

Benefits of using hair serum
Hair serum is a very popular hair care product, which is used after washing and conditioning hair. So let's know about the benefits of this.

Get rid of tangled hair
Due to frizziness, the hair looks very bad even after it is thick. Hair serums contain silicone-based ingredients, which form a layer on the hair, making hair less tangled and more silky and shiny.

Shine grows
The use of hair serum also brings a different shine to the hair. They look healthier and denser than before. The natural color of the hair is also maintained by the serum.

Avoiding Heat Damaging
The use of heat styling tools makes the hair look good no doubt but it also causes their damaging because hair serum creates a safe layer on the hair, so the damage caused by heat styling tools can be reduced. Even hair can be protected from the harmful rays of the sun.

Hair conditioning
Hair serums rich in vitamins, oils and proteins also act as hair conditioners, which helps in hair growth. With regular use, the hair remains healthy and strong.

So make natural serum at home like this
Ingredients- 1/2 cup fresh aloe vera gel, 1 tbsp coconut oil, 1 tbsp vitamin E oil, 1 tbsp argan oil, 5 drops essential oil for face as desired

Prepare serum like this
Take fresh aloe vera gel and grind it in a grinder so that it becomes smooth.

Mix ground aloe vera gel, coconut oil, vitamin E and argan oil in a bowl.

After this, mix your favorite essential oil in it.

Mix everything well.

Fill it in a spray bottle and keep it in a cool and sunny place.

use like this
- After oiling, use shampoo and conditioner in the hair.

After this, take some hair serum and apply it on the hair, especially on the length of the hair.

Massage the hair with light hands.

- Hair will look very beautiful.