Melanin is found in our body, which affects our complexion. Melanin serves to give colour to the skin. Therefore it is necessary to balance its level in the body. Have you ever noticed that a person's complexion has suddenly started turning dark? The reason for this is the increase of melanin in the body. On the other hand, when someone is extremely fair, it means that there is a deficiency of melanin in the body.

To reduce the level of melanin in the body, you can change your diet instead of medicines. There are many foods, the consumption of which affects the production of melanin. We spoke to DrSugeetaMutreja, Dietician, at Arogya Diet and Nutrition Clinic on this topic, and she told us what to eat in this condition.

Problems caused by increasing melanin in the body

Freckles appear on the skin due to the increase in melanin. Due to this, the skin looks black. If dark spots start appearing on the skin, then it will be understood that the production of melanin is increasing.

Drink aloe vera gel juice

Aloe vera gel is beneficial for overall health. It works to keep the body away from many diseases. Drinking aloe vera juice can reduce the increasing level of melanin in the body. Elozone is found in Aloe vera, which works to compress tyrosinase. Melanin is affected by this.

You can consume aloe vera juice on an empty stomach. If you want to improve the taste of aloe vera juice, then you can mix amla juice in it.

Include turmeric in the diet

For years, turmeric has been used for everything from injury to glowing skin. Due to the increase of melanin in the body, there can be a problem with pigmentation. To reduce this problem, you can use turmeric. Drink turmeric milk. Apart from this, add turmeric to vegetables and lentils and eat it.

Phytotherapy research from 2012 suggested that the active compound found in turmeric may reduce melanin synthesis. This compound is called curcumin. Curcumin works by inhibiting the compound tyrosinase. It affects the melanocytes, due to which the body does not make much melanin.

Eat Foods Rich in Vitamin C

DrSugeetaMutreja told us that the things in which vitamin C are found. Those foods help in reducing the amount of melanin in the body. For this, you can consume oranges. Anti-oxidants are also found in oranges, which work to eliminate free radicals.

Apart from this, lemon juice is also beneficial. Drinking 1-2 glasses of lemon water daily can improve the complexion. That's why you should include both of these things in your diet.

You can also eat these foods

Carrots and papaya are also beneficial for reducing melanin. Carrots contain beta-carotene and vitamin A, which can affect the production of melanin.

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