As age increases, many changes take place in our body. Due to these changes, the body needs different types of nutrients. Especially when someone becomes elderly, the family members have to take care of their food. There will hardly be any house in which elderly people do not live. Just as when a child comes to the house, he has to be taken care of, in the same way, the elderly of the house also have to be taken special care of.

With increasing age, teeth start becoming weak, due to which you cannot give anything to eat to the elderly. They are given to eat only those things which they can chew properly. Many times, in the process of giving healthy things, we forget about their taste. That is why in today's article we are going to tell you about some delicious dishes, which you can give to the elders of your house.

Dalia is something that you can eat both during breakfast and lunch. In such a situation, if you want, you can prepare milk and porridge for the elderly in your house for breakfast. If they want to eat porridge, then you can make salty porridge and feed them.

Tomato soup
The elderly like such things which they do not have to chew. In such a situation, you can prepare and serve tomato or mixed vegetable soup to the elderly in your family. Keep in mind that it should not be too spicy, otherwise they may have stomach problems.

Cheela is very soft and tasty to eat. In such a situation, you can make and feed them moong dal cheela. Serve it with their favorite chutney. So that they also get satisfied.

Everyone likes South Indian food. In such a situation, you can also make delicious idli and feed it to the elderly in your house. If they like spicy food, then you can also fry it and serve it to them.

It is very soft and is also very easy to make. In such a situation, you can serve dhokla with green chutney to the elders of your house.