To keep the body healthy, it is not only necessary to consume healthy and nutritious food, along with you must eat your food on time. Nutritionists say we need to eat food on time, especially early dinner, as it can be beneficial in controlling weight, controlling sugar, and maintaining metabolism. It is often seen that we eat food late at night and consume unhealthy things, this can cause harm to the body in many ways.

According to a study published in the Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, eating late can increase weight and blood sugar levels. But how does meal timing affect our health? Let us understand this in detail.

What did the study find?
Dr. Jonathan C. Zane, Professor of Medicine at Johns Hopkins University, says, during the study, we tried to understand, whether is eating late really harmful for us? In this, the research team found that having a late dinner changes our metabolism in a way that can promote obesity.

For this, a study was conducted with 20 people (10 men and 10 women). One group was given food between 6-7 pm and the other at 10 pm. All participants went to sleep at the same time.

The study's findings showed that people who ate late had higher blood sugar levels and less fat burn.

What should be dinner time?
Other laboratory studies also show that if you don't keep your daily routine in line with normal circadian rhythms, your body can't metabolize glucose in the way that's needed to keep the body healthy.

Most studies suggest that having dinner by seven in the evening is the best time. This can be helpful for you in controlling your weight.

Sugar level remains under control
Having late dinner also increases the risk of type-2 diabetes and its complications. By having dinner 2-3 hours before sleeping, the body can use insulin effectively. Maintaining proper insulin levels significantly reduces the risk of type-2 diabetes. The ideal time to sleep at night is 10 o'clock, hence having dinner between 6-7 o'clock can be beneficial for diabetic patients.

Sleep is better
Eating dinner early gives you at least 2-3 hours before sleeping. By late evening the rate of metabolism also starts decreasing which can affect digestion. Sleep starts getting affected due to problems like indigestion or constipation. Therefore, having an early dinner followed by a few minutes walk can help you digest food better and get good sleep.

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