People living in metro cities mostly prefer to travel by metro. It is easy to go anywhere by metro. We save a lot of time as well as money through the metro. In today's article, we are going to tell you some special things about the 5 oldest metro stations in the world.

London Underground Metro

The London Underground Metro station is the world's first underground railway station. It opened to locomotive trains in 1863 and ran between Paddington and Farringdon. It is considered to be the longest metro line in the world. About 48 lakh passengers travel on these lines every day.

Budapest Metro

The Budapest Metro is the oldest electric underground metro in the world. It was launched in the year 1896. Currently, the Budapest Metro has about 4 lines. However, the fifth line is also going to be constructed soon.

Glasgow Circular Underground

Glasgow Circular Underground is the oldest metro station in Scotland. It opened in 1896 and is the third oldest metro station in the world. This metro covers 15 stations. Daily lakhs of people travel by this metro.

Chicago L

Chicago's elevated 'L' subway system began in 1892. More than 230 million passengers travel daily through this metro line every year. Because of this, it becomes the second busiest metro in America. 2 lines of this metro station provide 24-hour service.

Paris Metro

The Paris Metro opened in 1900. It is the second busiest metro line in Europe after the Moscow Metro. Lakhs of people travel daily through this metro which runs in 16 lines. This metro runs only 197 kilometers underground.

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