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Fertility Supporting Foods: Nowadays people's life is very busy. In such a situation, if you are unable to find time for yourself and are planning for a child? In such a situation, whatever you eat has a direct effect on you. So if you are planning to have children, there are a few things to keep in mind. Yes, here we tell you what things you should eat while planning a child.

image credit: medicalrepublic

Beetroot: If you are trying to have a baby, consider adding beetroot to your diet. This is because its consumption not only increases the amount of blood in the body but also increases the flow of blood in the uterus. Women who want to become pregnant should consume beetroot.

image credit: rupahealth

Pumpkin seeds: Sunflower and pumpkin seeds are good sources of omega-3. This is because its use helps in increasing the sperm count in men. If you are planning for a child, then you must eat pumpkin seeds daily.