If there is a deficiency of any kind of nutrition or anything else in our body, its symptoms become visible. The body gives necessary information through its signals. Any kind of pain, weakness, fatigue or many other signs in the body indicate the deficiency of many things including the essential functions of our body and the vitamins and minerals present in the body. Eye twitching is also one of these signs. But people often associate eye twitching with good omens and bad omens. But if it is understood from a health point of view, then it indicates a deficiency of essential nutrients in the body.

Let us know from experts about what the twitching of eyes indicates and which nutrients can be avoided by including it in the diet. Dietician Manpreet Kaur is giving this information. Manpreet has done a Masters in Nutrition from Delhi University. She is a hormone and gut health coach.

What Nutrient Deficiency Causes Eye Twitching

Instead of linking eye twitching with good or bad omen, understand it based on science. According to experts, lack of water in the body could be one of the reasons for this. Apart from this, dryness of the eyes can also be responsible for this. Deficiency of magnesium, calcium, potassium, vitamin B12 and vitamin D can also be the reason for this.

To avoid eye twitching, include these essential nutrients in your diet

  • If your eyes twitch often, do not let your body suffer from water deficiency. Also, do not keep your eyes dry.
  • Vitamin D helps nerve cells in transmitting messages from the brain to the muscles. In case of its deficiency, include milk and dairy products in the diet. Apart from this, sit in sunlight.
  • Magnesium helps regulate nerve and muscle function. Green leafy vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds are good sources of magnesium.
  • Calcium is necessary for nerve transmission and proper functioning of muscles. Calcium is found in abundance in milk, milk products, ragi and sesame seeds.
  • Potassium works to regulate nerve signals. Bananas, orange, potato, sweet potato and green leafy vegetables are good sources of potassium.

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