Often the blood sugar of diabetic patients starts increasing immediately after eating. Diabetes patients can easily control diabetes if they consume almonds half an hour before meals. According to a study published in the International Journal, blood sugar can be easily controlled by consuming almonds half an hour before eating. Often there is a question in people's minds whether diabetic patients should consume almonds or walnuts to keep blood sugar under control.

According to Dr BK Rai, Diabetes and Thyroid Specialist, at Apollo Hospital Greater Noida, Nuts are very rich in nutrients which keep the body healthy and are also beneficial for blood sugar patients. Let us know from the experts whether almonds or walnuts are better for controlling blood sugar.

Eat almonds or walnuts to control diabetes: (Eat almonds or walnuts to control diabetes)
Rich in nutrients, both almonds and walnuts are good dry fruits for health. Talking about walnuts, nutrients like fibre, manganese, magnesium, copper, iron, calcium, zinc, potassium, vitamin B6, folate and thiamin are found in walnuts. While almonds contain 74 per cent carbohydrates, 13 grams of carbohydrates and 13 per cent protein.

Talking about the difference between the nutrients present in both, almonds have monounsaturated fat, which is beneficial for the heart. Mufa fat present in almonds controls cholesterol. Vitamin E and magnesium are present in almonds, which keeps the bone healthy and controls BP.

Almond is very effective in controlling sugar, knowing when and how much to eat
Walnuts contain polyunsaturated fat which is healthy for the heart. Cholesterol is controlled by consuming it. Walnuts, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, are extremely beneficial for heart health. Consuming walnuts improves brain health and reduces the risk of diabetes. Walnut is such a superfood that keeps healthy from heart to brain. Nuts rich in more nutrients is a superfood for diabetes patients.

Which dry fruit is best in both walnuts and almonds: (Which dry fruit is best walnuts or almonds)
Both walnuts and almonds are rich in nutrients, but if these two dry fruits are compared, then the consumption of walnuts is the best. The value of walnuts is higher than that of almonds. Being rich in omega-3 acids, walnuts are extremely beneficial for health. Do eat a handful of walnuts daily.