Eye Health: Due to the increase in the on-screen time of children after Corona, they are suffering from diseases like myopia. According to doctors, after Corona, children have become more busy with mobile, TV, and laptop, due to which most of the children are suffering from myopia. So let's know what is myopia, its symptoms, and how to prevent it?

What is myopia disease?
In myopia, children get nearsightedness. Due to which the size of the pupil of the child's eye increases, the image is formed a little further instead of the retina. They have trouble seeing distant objects. Research has revealed that the smaller the screen the children are using, the more their eyes are affected. Researchers say that the most dangerous for the eyes is the mobile screen. Children who use mobile more often suffer from myopia. At the same time, the number of glasses of children using glasses is also increasing rapidly.

Common Symptoms of Myopia
Children with myopia have trouble seeing distant objects. Apart from this, the following symptoms may appear;

- Blinking eyes frequently.

Feeling of strain and fatigue in the eyes while looking at distant objects.

Difficulty in driving, especially at night.

- Headache.

- Squinting the eyelids.

Watering from eyes.

Apart from these the following symptoms can also be seen in children;

- Not being able to see properly from black board or whiteboard in the classroom.

- not focusing on studies

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- Make arrangements for adequate lighting in the children's study room.

Let the children use mobile to a minimum.

Give laptops instead of mobile to children for studies.

Take sunlight is necessary.

Exercise the eyes as well as the body.