Eye Care: The festival of Holi is going to come very soon, about which a different enthusiasm is being seen among the people. Along with this, people have also started preparing for Holi. Although everyone celebrates this festival with great enthusiasm, but children are very excited to play Holi. Who eagerly wait for this festival throughout the year.

On the day of Holi, everyone applies color to each other, eats gujiya pakoras and enjoys. But sometimes small negligence becomes a cause of trouble. Due to which we need to take some special precautions. Actually, the bright colors of Holi sometimes enter our eyes which are very dangerous. In such a situation, the problem increases so much that the fear of becoming blind also increases. In such a situation, today we are going to tell some special tips which are of great use to you. Let's know in detail.

How to protect eyes from Holi colors
Wear glasses or sunglasses

It is often seen that if someone applies dark color on your face, it damages your skin as well as your eyes. So keep in mind that if someone applies color to you, then you close your eyes. Or you step out of the house wearing sunglasses or handy shades. This will make you look cool and also protect your eyes. Also, keep distance from dark colors.

Don't forget to put eye drops in your eyes
If you have also made a splash with colors on the festival of Holi, then you have to keep in mind that after the festival is over, wash your eyes with cold water. Also, put eye drops in the eyes as suggested by your doctor. This will give you relief and your eyes will get relief from itching and pain.

Wash your eyes with clean water
Those who take care of their eyes should always wash their eyes with clean water. Keep in mind that if the color has gone in your eyes on the day of Holi, then you should wash your eyes with clean water. Along with this, you can use rose water to remove dirt from your eyes.

Keep cucumber to remove eye irritation
Many times after playing Holi, there is a burning sensation in the eyes due to chemical colours. Because of which there is a lot of trouble. In this case, cucumber is very beneficial. For this, take cucumber slices and keep them over the eyes. Then rest like this for a while. This will give coolness to your eyes.