What Should You Avoid With Eye Flu: Eye flu has been wreaking havoc for the last several weeks. People of all ages are falling prey to this eye infection. This eye infection is viral conjunctivitis, due to which the eyes become red and swollen. Fluid starts coming out of the eyes and the problem of irritation arises. This infection usually gets better on its own in 5-7 days and is not very dangerous for the eyes. There is no risk of weakening of the eyes or blindness from conjunctivitis. However, using the wrong eye drops and the wrong medicines during eye flu can cause serious damage to the eyes. By doing this your eyes can be damaged and eyesight can go away. Everyone should avoid making these mistakes regarding eye flu, otherwise, it can have serious consequences.

Dr. Tushar Grover, Medical Director, Vision Eye Center, Siri Fort, New Delhi, says that the problem of viral conjunctivitis gets cured automatically in about a week. Using artificial tear drops can be beneficial in case of eye flu. Eye flu does not cause any serious damage to the eyes, but nowadays people are making many mistakes to cure eye flu quickly, which can be dangerous for their eyes. In many videos viral on social media, eye drops, and home remedies are being told to cure eye flu, adopting which can damage the eyes. People should get treatment for eye flu from an eye doctor only. No drop, medicine, or home remedy should be adopted on its own. This can cause damage to the eyes.

Eye flu patients should not do these 5 mistakes
According to Dr. Tushar Grover, steroid drops should never be used without a doctor's advice to cure eye flu. Using steroid drops for a long time can increase eye pressure and cause nerve damage. In such a condition, eyesight can go. Doctors recommend using steroid drops in only a few cases of eye flu. These drops need to be used very carefully.

Eye flu patients should not wear contact lenses at all. Due to this, the infection of the eye can spread more, which can cause serious damage to the eyes. Wearing contact lenses during eye flu can increase eye problems. This increases the risk of secondary infection, which can cause the risk of loss of eyesight.

– Antiviral or antibiotic medicines do not affect eye flu. Eye flu infection cannot be cured even by putting antiviral ointment in the eyes. In such a situation, if a person is consuming these medicines, then it can harm the overall health along with the eyes. Eye flu is a viral infection, which is self-limiting and gets cured on its own in a few days.

There is no relief from eye flu by putting antibiotic drops. Many times doctors recommend antibiotic drops after seeing the condition of eye flu patients, but it is not given to eliminate eye flu. It is given so that there is no secondary infection other than eye flu. There is no serious harm to the eyes by putting antibiotic drops, but bacterial resistance can arise.
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